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UNBELIEVABLE!!! 今天是我此生的第一次工作面试,居然就成功了


作 者:Sean


I just graduated from Macquarie Uni (Master of Accounting CPA Extension) recently. I have done Nicole's Accounting course by the last weekend and just wanna to share some information with you guys.

Even though I have a sound academic performance and have completed all required CPA exams, I still find it hard to get a job at the moment, simply because I have little experience in accounting prior to graduation. I handed in a couple of resumes, but with a few responses outlining "unsuccessful application" or "other candidates are more fit to this role". I was so desperate of encountering this situation. 

Then my friend introduced me to attend Nicole's training session. I started my study from the second topic and just could not give it up. I found it is really useful for candidates with little experience to better understand the full picture of how the accounting department runs within a company. Most importantly, however, it will offer you confidence and enthusiasm after you grasping and absorbing all tought knowledges, experiences and tips. I think this is the intrinsic value of Nicole's class. She is a very kind mentor as she is always so welcome to answer students' questions and share updated information of accounting practice. She is also happy to hear great news from successful candidates and share their amazing stories to staters. This fact distinguished her from a pure business man as she would be a really good friend of your life time even though you may have finished your study or found a nice job.

Suggestions I'd like to make to other students is that you should listen carefully and take good notes during the class. You definitely do not want to miss or forget anything when you get home. Good notes help you to recall the contents of the course and link them as a whole picture. The second suggestion is that you may need to review relevent topics from your textbook or internet to figure out the key concepts and theories behind the story. This will assist you to clear the "mess" from the class. 

Overall, Nicole's class is highly recommended. I am still seeking a beginning on But I believe a good story will happen to me soon because I am ready.




UNBELIEVABLE!!! 今天是我此生的第一次工作面试,居然就成功了!!!

没想到周二上午还在呼呼大睡的时候,就接到了电话说是让我面试,约在了今天也就是周三上午。工作title是Assistant Accountant,在一个跨国通讯企业。真的没想到Nicole老师对简历的建议帮助是这么大,之前投了那么多简历一点消息都没有,现在修改过的第一个投的居然就要面试我了。


周三上午我提早了20分钟来到公司大楼,领了visitor的badge。HR的Manager是一个老头,很准时的就下楼接我上去到会议室进行面试。在电梯里头为了避免尴尬,我就已经开始介绍自己了。到了会议室以后,又来了一Finance Team的人,两个人一起面试的我。

他们首先谈了一下我的学历,我就把我的学校成绩还有一些表扬信之类的拿出来给他们看,,他们觉得很满意。后来就让我简单谈谈我之前工作都干些什么,问我bank reconciliation是不是自己做,BAS我负责哪一块。我后面两个问题回答得有点不是很顺利,但是我也运用一些理论知识解了围。但是其实后面两个问题在Nicole的班上都详细的讲过,只不过我还没复习到这2个地方, 面试来的太快了,呵呵。所以感觉Nicole老师的班还是很有用的,大家一定要认真学,认真复习,反复再反复,搞懂来龙去脉。

两个面试官可能是因为我的成绩还有笑容以及自信感觉到我是个不错的人选,于是告诉我一共会有4人来面试,会选出2个让Financial Controller进行第二轮面试。我怀着激动与忐忑的心情回家到,也没胃口吃饭。后来突然接到HR的电话,说需要我的生日以referee的联系方式,我便回了邮件过去。之后接到Nicole的关心慰问电话,不过也被小批评了一下,说我本应在课上学好的内容面试的时候居然临时出乱子,呵呵。

刚挂掉电话,发现HR的未接来电,一回过去,对方告诉我"I'd like to give you the job offer"! 哇,我简直不相信,连第二轮面试都不用了,直接要了我了,连忙感谢,直到现在也不敢相信。总之, 谢谢Nicole的辅导, 谢谢Nicole的建议, 也谢谢Nicole的帮助, 不然不会有我今天的自信与成功。

我知道我还有很多不足与知识的欠缺,我要继续认真上完第2轮的Nicole班,然后再买一些专业书继续深造,充实自己,以便胜任现在的工作。活到老学到老, 谢谢Nicole的指路明灯 让我能看得更清 走得更远!