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Business Analyst

课程一:Analyst basics

Part 1: Data cleansing: Database/Datawarehouse

  • 大数据时代 big data如何管理,提取,保存,更新,并非想象的简单。如何从传统的 Database Access SQL过渡到 cloud based data warehouse。
  • BA的原材料:data。在做任何分析之前,如何 cleansing处理 raw data成为 BA可以用来分析推敲的 useful data,需要经过一些特殊的处理。

案例 1: FMCG market leader: database management

案例 2:FMCG market leader: data cleansing/transforming

  • 完成准备分析所需的 data和 backup。


Part 2: Data modelling and analysis

  • 分析是从何开始的 -前序工作 prepare to analyse:where do we start.
  • Data Analysis models: natural model, logical model, business requirement model, stakeholder model.

案例 1:FMCG: natural model 案例 2:FMCG: logical model

案 例 3: FMCG: business requirement model

案 例 4: FMCG: stakeholder model

Part 3: Reporting and design:

案例 1 FMCG market leader:如何设计和改进 Monthly Reporting Pack (P&L, Forecast, waterfall chart,

top vendors, non-financial by commodity summary, by vendor summary, special case study analysis, business improvement opportunities)

Part 4: Tools and systems:

  • Power pivot
  • Power query
  • SmartView
  • Power BI


课程二:Financial Planning and Budgeting Analysis

Part 1:Understand budget and Financial Modelling

  • Budget and Business Strategy
  • Financial planning and Financial Modelling如何建模
  • Pre-budget analysis to support budgeting预算前期准备分析

案例 1: ASX 50 Commercial Property:Pre-budget analysis for Property Portfolio Budget FY18模型分析

案例 2:FMCG market leader: Pre-budget analysis for Supply Chain Budget FY19模型分析


Part 2: Budgeting Analytics

  • Budgeting process milestones
  • Analysis to support each milestone

  案例 1:ASX 50 Commercial Property:Budget流程解析,如何在每一个 budget milestone具备所需的信息,通过 driver tree做出正确的数据分析来支持预算的准确性。

案例 2:FMCG market leader:Budget流程分析,如何安排不同阶段预算进程所需的分析,以及他们之间的逻辑顺序。

Part 3: Fixing budget – Forecasting

  • Rolling Forecasting Analysis and modelling

案例 1:FMCG market leader: Supply Chain DC Forecasting Model and driver analysis


课程三:Operational Analysis

  • Understand business operations

案例 1:FMCG market leader:truly understand your business,Balance Scorecard approach

  • Operational data
  • Operational KPI matrix
  • Solving puzzles - ad hoc operational analysis

案例 2:ASX 50 Commercial Property : Centre traffic analysis (基本的 operational analysis) 

案例 3:FMCG market leader: Supply Chain Freight utilisation analysis (行业基础分析)

案例 4:FMCG market leader: DC operational analysis (operational performance analysis)

案例 5:学生实际操作,老师课前提供 3个案例和 raw data,学生通过逻辑分析,做出相应的分析操作和结果,以及提供解决问题的方案。


课程四:Business Analysis(combine Financial and Non-Financial analysis)


Part 1: Basic Approaches

  • 做综合商业分析需要如何入手,5步模型,通用大多盈利行业。
  • Business analysis categories 主要分类:
  1. Trend analysis: basic
  2. Variance analysis: vs LY vs L4L vs budget vs forecast vs benchmark
  3. Impact analysis: eg. volume and price
  4. Pattern analysis:
  5. Combination analysis:
  6. Other types of analysis:

案例 1:FMCG market leader: Ambient Margin % analysis (复杂数据分层的分析,如何拆分复杂模型, 首先从毫无 clue开始如何着手,到从分析 leading data到分析对 lagging financial data的影响,到

最后找到 pattern,分析汇总,并提供 recommendations)



Part 2: 高级 Presentaion/Visualisation

  • 目前最流行 visualisation tools
  1. Drivertree

案例 1:FMCG market leader: Supply Chain Freight Monthly Report

  1. Waterfall

案例 2:FMCG market leader: Supply Chain Freight Monthly Report

  1. Dashboard and Power BI
  • 面试技巧
  • 1对 1以及 panel interview学员面试实际演练,让每个学员都参与实际体会到老师多年面试经验和 recruitment以及猎头公司的内部信息的传授,实际操作立刻上手应用,加强自信面试得心应手, 最大化 BA面试成功率。