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Analytics Course for Accounting / Business / Finance Students -任选两门以上半价优惠







Nicole accounting特邀上市公司资深财务经理来给大家上一堂全新的课程,让你在短时间内真正认识和开拓自己职业的发展方向。同时,也将解析会计师和分析师的区别,以及所需的不同技能。让大家了解分析师的职业其实离自己并不远。







因为, 导师将带来一个内推职位:JUNIOR ANALYST





Course Prerequisite  Brief Description Price Hours
 Excel for Analytics  N/A Essential EXCEL skills for business analysis and apply business mindset on top of technical Excel 399 8
 BI tools for Analytics  N/A Software Teaching - Tableau & Power BI 399 8
 Big Data Analysis by BI   BI tools for Analytics  Apply BI knowledge and critical thinking mindset to solve a business problem 399 8
 End of Month Automations   Excel  for Analytics  Review Month End Processes and utilise tools for automations by Excel and BI 399 8
 Financial Modelling and Analysis   Excel  for Analytics  Essential Excel Skills to solve a complex business problem and apply sensitivity scenarios analysis 399 8
 Interview skills & CV Writing    N/A  One on One CV writing and interview skills + Career Advices 399 8

导师介绍:澳大利亚注册会计师(CA, Chartered Accountant), 资深财务经理,主要负责公司财务决策,定价,资源最优化调控等,同时负责公司数据平台构建以及数据可视化整合 以及 Graduate Program面试和招生。

 Course Booked   Price
1 399
2 599
3 799
4 999
5 1199
Note: if number of courses booked are >=3, Interview skills & CV Writing  is free