there is a pic-player





作 者:Anna



Just finished the first class with Nicole yesterday and I'm very happy to have this chance to study with Nicole and other classmates.

I think the core value of Nicole's class is not merely using MYOB, but the points are what scenarios we will face in real workplaces and how to maintain accuracy and efficiency. These are really valuable for students since we don't have actual work experience, and that is also why exactly Nicole emphasized it so much in the class.

Now, the first class is finished and it is our turn to put knowledge into practice. The class teaches the correct approach to process transactions, but how much we can master it still depends on our own actions. Practice makes perfect, I think this is the only way we can absorb class contents and transfer them into my own knowledge. Looking forward to the next exciting class!



There is lots of good news recently, as many of Nicole's students got job offers. This is a big encouragement for us who are still studying and looking for a job. It just shows us if you study hard, prepare sufficiently, and be confident, finally all your efforts will be rewarded.

As to myself, I feel time goes really fast. We have already finished three topics and I'm getting love Nicole's class. And what I have learned is not only the accounting stuff, but also the attitude and the way we think, which are as valuable as the knowledge itself for me. As many students mentioned, Nicole always asks questions in the class. At first, I felt a bit embarrassed if I don't know the answer and was a bit afraid of Nicole's questions sometimes. But as time goes on, I realised that that is the way we get to start thinking and analysing, not just simply following the instructions. Gradually I became more involved and confident to express myself in the class. Even though I could be wrong, at least I tried.

Now, only one class is left. Really wonder how it will be and looking forward to the last and most challenging topic. Hope it will be full of fun. See you soon in the class!



Hi, everyone! This is Anna. Last Sunday, the last topic, Financial Reporting finally came. I was so excited before the class and Nicole didn't disappoint me at all. It is the part I like the most in this course. It summarises all the three previous topics and gave us a whole picture of the accounting procedures. As Nicole mentioned, this is the topic that can make you a real accountant, not only a bookkeeper. I really love it and enjoyed a lot. Thanks heaps, Nicole.
Moreover, we also learnt of many interview tips and skills in the class. I think they are also really as important as your accounting skills. Even if you are a really good accountant, but cannot present yourself and impress your interviewer, you would still be denied of opportunities. Our discussion in the class helped to form an excellent guideline for interview preparation. There were not only the contribution from Nicole, but also from her previous students (tutors) and our classmates. One person's ability is limited, but if we can add other people's experience and tips into our own mind, we will be much stronger.

Four weeks have gone so quickly. I am so glad to know Nicole and have learned a lot from her. I feel Nicole is not only our teacher, but also like a friend, who really cares about us. She always wants to make sure we really understand the class. And also, I think not only the practical accounting stuff, but also Nicole's personality and passion will have influence on me in the future. Even though the class is finished, I am looking forward to going back to Nicole's class as tutor.





去到了公司,先见到了Susan,就像我刚才讲的,虽然以前从没见过面,但还是觉得很亲切。之后老板过来面试,他看了我的简历,然后就跟我大致介绍了一下公司的情况。至于问题他并没有怎么问,也许是因为对我的简历比较满意,也许是因为有Susan的推荐,但我觉得他很在乎我对这份工作的态度,他最后问我,你觉得你能够胜任这份工作吗?我便很坚定的告诉他,我相信凭我的知识和经验,我完全可以胜任这份工作。于是,这个很简短的面试结束了,当天晚上,我便接到了通知说下个礼拜就可以开始上班了。我当时简直有点不敢相信,好像做梦一样,但这一切就这样发生了。就在这一个下午,我得到了我在澳洲的第一份正式工作,而且还是一个很有挑战性的工作,因为公司并不大,所有的accounting stuff都要我来处理,相信这是一个极好的锻炼机会,也会让我学到更多的东西。



乱七八糟的说了这么多,只是希望能够跟大家分享我的一些感受。同时也要对那些还在找工作的同学说,不要灰心,不要放弃,只要你付出了辛苦和努力,总有一天会得到回报的。同时也要祝福Susan以后的工作顺利哦~~~Hope everyone all the best!!