there is a pic-player





作 者:Steve

大家好, 今天Nicole老师发email问我现在怎么样,能不能分享我的找工作心得, 我想当然可以了。 再过一个星期,我就会到一家比较大的公司上班,做会计。得到这份工作真的很意外,和很缘分。

话说两个星期前,这公司的HR 打电话问我能否明天interview,我说今天就可以,,我现在就在附近。好! 我穿着漂亮的西服,走到这公司,很亲切地和HR,和会计部门的Team Leader打招呼。 

其实,因为他们太需要找人了,他们并没有问太多的问题,就问了你知道怎么做debt collection 吗?? 你知道怎么做bank reconciliation ?? 你知道怎么做supplier reconciliation?

I truly believe that Nicole covered all the basics in her class, so like all her good students, I answer the question confidently, and undoubtedly, I nailed the interview.

The next day, the HR gave me a call and told me they will give me an offer, I was so excited.

This interview is a typical one and I am sure all Nicole's students will come across one day. One area to which I want to draw everyone’s attention is that, regardless how nervous you actually are, when you step into the interview room, act confidently. If you don't get the job eventually, learn from the experience, because you do not want to bring the same mistake into next one. This is just my two cents.

Good luck for everyone who is struggling with the interview. Be confident and know what qualities employers are actually looking for, then everything will just work out, I promise.

Kind regards
