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Financial Accountant 课程- Month End 加速【高级月底结账流程和自动化】

高级月底结账流程和自动化】 【Advanced month end closing process and automation】课程帮助学生 如何快速在短时间内100%学懂学会 有免费重听   12个实战知识点 超级实用,大量运用excel & power BI 与AA,FA工作相结合的model帮助大家在每日重复的工作自动化完成。帮助找到AA 或 在职AA或FA,对自己现在的工作进行极大化改良 ,让上司对你刮目相看。在这些model大家可以在工作中马上学以致用,也可以在面试中好好展现一番!让面试官对你另眼相看

Month End 加速【高级月底结账流程和自动化】 对所有的AA,FA 的同学或正在找工作的同学,对process improvement感兴趣的同行们,让大家繁忙的工作如何快速提高效率 让上司刮目相看的时刻即将到来,这高级月底优化加速课程让你的工作准时及时,效率大大提高!同时也可帮助你的升职加薪

Month End usually needs to be done in a relatively short period of time and there is usually enormous pressure on meeting deadlines, this course is suitable to students who wants to learn how to accelerate during the month end process to improve efficiency, or students who only worked in small to medium companies before and want to experience the month end procedures of larger organizations. We will be using Power BI, Excel and VBA to automate month end process and improve efficiency
Introduction to Month End Tasks/Duties
Advanced Data Reconciliation Skills 
• Case: Find all combinations of numbers adding up to the variance
Accounts Payable Closing
• Accruals and Prepayment journals model
AR Close
• Advanced Sales Commission auto calculation and Accrual
• Case: Timesheets and Billing Reconciliation
• Accrued Revenue - Time sheet calculation & accrual treatment
Payroll Close
• Long service leave provision calculation.
• Automatic convert payroll data from payroll system to GL system 
• Automatic calculate payroll accruals
• Annual Leave Accrual
• GST Reconciliation Model
• Fixed Asset Depreciation Model
Cashflow Analysis with Power BI (direct method )

GL Reconciliation