本课程包括8个非常实用的month end and year end models 来帮助简化繁琐的month end and year end process. 课程主要使用EXCEL,同时也会介绍BI 来自动化月末结算。
课程主要教的是一种思维方式和一种培养自主建立自动化模型的能力来帮助学生无论碰到什么样的Month end, 都能够自己建模来简化缩短月末结算。8个非常实用的模型帮助大家能很快上手,运用到工作上以及面试上,让雇主知道你是一个有想法,有能力提高效率,更快更准确的完成月末年末结算。
This course will guide you through simplifying and automating the whole end of month process by utilising the concept of financial modelling based on Excel and BI tool. It consists of 8 case study from real commercial world. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of end of month procedure and be able to create your own financial models to simply end of month process. Students will benefit from the case study where it can be implemented at work straightaway or become your competitive advantage during interview process.
Course Length: 8+ hours
Course Outline
Overview of End of Month Process
- Monthly Timetable for Accountants
- End of Month Process and Checklist
- Simplifying and Automating End of Month Process
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Financial Statement Presentation Automation
- End of Month Financial Reports
- Case Study 1: Prepare automated financial reports
- Case Study 2: Prepare automated variance analysis
Payroll End of Month Reconciliation Automation
- End of Month AL and LSL reconciliation Procedure
- Case Study 3: Long Service Leave liability Reconciliation
- Payroll Journal Automation
End of Month Accrual Journal Automation
- End of Month Accrual process
- Result Review Procedure
- Case Study 4: Automate result review process and journals
Balance Sheet Reconciliation Automation
- End of Month BS recs Process
- General Ledger Reconciliation Models
- Case Study 5: Fixed Asset and Depreciation Reconciliation Model
Other Month End Automation Case Study
- Case Study 6: Revenue and Cash Reconciliation
- Case Study 7: General Ledger and Project Reconciliation
- Case Study 8: Intercompany transaction Reconciliation
The above model will focus on balance sheet reconciliation, P&L analysis and automated journal to match variance ,advanced financial reporting etc.
This course will guide you through simplifying and automating the whole end of month process by utilising the concept of financial modelling based on Excel and BI tool. It consists of 8 case study from real commercial world. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of end of month procedure and be able to create your own financial models to simply end of month process. Students will benefit from the case study where it can be implemented at work straightaway or become your competitive advantage during interview process.
适用人群:AR , AP , PAYROLL , AA ,FA
课程价格:8-10月优惠价 $580. ( 原价 $1000)
课程时长: 2节课* 4小时
8个有深度的Excel模型帮助大家快速提高月末财务结帐和处理和年末结帐的流程!帮助大家从小公司成功升级进入大公司,提高你的核心竞争力,让你在面试中很快脱颖而出,给面试官焕然一新的感觉,高级excel技能进一步完善,真正找到自己的Dream offer !