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Rank: 2

发表于 2016-6-27 20:17:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The most important questions of all behavour questions:1,7,11,12,13,22
Daniel 19 20
豆豆 17 18
Serene 5 6
CC 21 23
Michelle 8 9
Mandy 10 14
寒烟 15 16
jiaqi  3 4
Flyingkz 11 12
Everyong need answered their own questions then plus some important questions.








Rank: 2

发表于 2016-7-1 08:44:37 | 只看该作者
5. Tell me about your typical day.
Since I worked as an Accounts all rounder in my current employment. I start my day from performing AR role, I will first do a bank reconciliation, dealing with customer payment received, record in the MYOB bank. Then I will enter transactions from bank side, such as bank charges and interest received.

My second daily procedure will be AP function. Here I will record all the invoices and before that I will make sure all of them were signed by the cost centre manager.
And at the pay day, I will also arrange payments through cheque or EFT.

6. Why should we offer you this position

I will address this question from 2 aspects:
- I have all the skills and experience you need for this position.
- My personal traits such as attention to detail, high self-discipline and good time management skills make me an ideal candidate.

13. What is your weakness? To what extent do you think it will affect your performance:
Public speaking is my weakness, speaking in front of a large audience makes me nervous. During my student life, it did affect my presentation performance. However, at work, I found it has little impact.








Rank: 2

发表于 2016-7-2 22:02:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 michellecome 于 2016-7-3 07:41 编辑

22. What is your plan in the next 5 years?

In 5 years time, I see myself progressing in accounting and in your esteemed company if I am lucky at the end, learning new skills to the benefit of your company. I find this job extremely interesting and motivating. I can see many challenges lying ahead of me, which I am eager to experience. And therefore, I am willing to invest my 5 years time learning all aspects of the job towards professional advancement.
To sum up – I want to be an expert in accounting.








Rank: 2

发表于 2016-7-2 22:03:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 michellecome 于 2016-7-2 22:07 编辑

8. Give me an example from a previous job where you’ve shown initiative.
9. What is your biggest achievement?

I am always an initiative and active person. I remember when I first came to the current company, the cash flow status of the business was quite negative. The company even could not pay the wages and salaries on time. After I was getting familiar with the accounting data, I found the problematic process of AR side which affected the cash flow severely. The previous accountant not only had not issued the statements to the suppliers regularly, he also did not try his efforts to collect the overdue 35 debts. So I thought I had to collect those overdue debts firstly. By directly calling the customers twice per week, I tried to let them to promise me the exact payment dates, and I directed the debt to the respective sale person to help me to collect the money as well. Finally, we successfully recovered nearly all debts after three months’ efforts.

16. What management style you are most comfortable with?
I prefer consultative style. That is to say, the manager consults their team before making decisions, while still maintaining overall control. The reason I love this type is that I truly believe consultation among teams can identify problems early. Also, good communication between team leaders and members will definitely boost staff morale, forming a positive company culture. But too much consultation can be time-consuming and reduce business productivity. So the manager must be responsible for making the final decision efficiently after the consultation.








Rank: 1

发表于 2016-7-3 09:28:23 | 只看该作者
17. How do you rate yourself in meeting deadlines?
I think I do well in meeting deadlines and I hardly failed in submitting tasks beyond the deadlines until now. Sometimes if necessary, i don't mind working for extra hours to finish jobs within the due date. So mostly, I am able to finish jobs on time.

18. How do you prioritise your job?
I usually create a schedule for the next day and plan in details about what to do firstly on what time, what secondly on what time and so forth. And I put the jobs that will meet deadlines an urgent. Then at the end of the week, I also make a schedule for the next week based on the expected jobs everyday and then highlight the most urgent ones. If there is something unexpected coming during the day, I will rate whether it is very urgent or important and what the due time it is. If very hurry, I will do it right now and then follow up my schedule; if not, update my daily schedule a little bit and do it after I finish all other things within the day.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-3 12:31:48 | 只看该作者
1.        Tell me a little bit about yourself 1-2mins
Hi,I am minne a lucky person choising accounting as my majour long time ago which allow me have the chance to be the country. I did accounts around in a warehouse pty ltd for about 2years in Brisbane.

10.what your colleagues will say about you?
        To tell the question,I have to say all my workmates they like to corpertate with me.They said I am good temper person and positive all the time.I believe it is so important to have a good team relationship and relative department.

14.which one you will feel more comfortabl,in a team or work alone?
I think it depends what situation.Our work really needs us work together in our daily procedure such as when I did bank reconciliation I need the supplier receites from AR and customer payment reports to support my bank account reconcile,but when I try to make a new plate to improve my work efficiency I prefer working alone to make me clear to focus on my target.

7.what are your strengths?
I am good habit person in my private life which bring it into my work habit.I am puncture and reliabile and easygoing with anyone.I am quick leaner especially when I get in a strange environment no matter what kind of new challenge.

13 what is your weakness?To what extent do you think it will affect your performance?
To be honest,I am too patient and kind to others so some time it cost me time to give hand to help other mates.To avoid this influence my own work I will give the help during my rest time or offer other one can give help if it is urgent.

11.what is the difficult situation/person you have faced and how did you handle it?
Achievement question
I have an experience of to do a company’s bank reconciliation.In my opition it is a kind of normal job duty to do bank reconcile which help director know clearly about the finance statue of the entitle,but it is unbelievable that I found the last accountant she never did bank reconciliation even in the past whole year and I have to do it from then.I almost frustrated at that time and I did not know how to deal it.Then I tried to get methods by call my friends and my accounting teacher and get a method to do the reconcile。

12.What part of your current job you like most/least?
My current company encourage employees to attend revelent training and reimbursement the expense.
I like my current job,but you know it is part-time job and no team support.After my studing more I still find there is no career opportunity even in the I am thinking about changing.








Rank: 2

发表于 2016-7-3 12:38:02 | 只看该作者
19. What motivates you in your work?

I am highly motivated by meeting the set targets within deadlines, as I am rewarded by the sense of accomplishment. When I reviewed my work, I could appreciate the result achieved by the team or by myself. One particular example would be finishing the month-end task and ticked them from my list one by one, seeing figures matched after the reconciliation and providing the carefully prepared balance sheet and income statement to the management. All these things drive me to desire for doing a better job.

20. Have you made a mistake before and what you've learnt from it?

When I was responsible for accounts payable duty, I did not allocate the freight to the corresponding cost center. It jeopardized the financial performance of one of the stores in which I allocate all freight. When compare the expense to the previous month, I realized I made a mistake. By correcting the transactions one by one, I successfully fixed the issue. From this case, I understand the importance of allocating the expenses to the right cost center to produce a accurate income statement. Review and comparison is so helpful to identify any possible mistakes.  








Rank: 2

发表于 2016-7-3 13:01:32 | 只看该作者
21 What is your salary expectation?
I prefer standard rate for entry level.

23. waht new skills or capabilities have you developed recently?
I put myself in various situation recently and have learnt some problem solving skills.








Rank: 2

发表于 2016-7-3 15:23:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Jiaqi 于 2016-7-3 15:26 编辑

3. Walk me through your resume.
I have graduated from the University of Sydney and finished my master degree of professional accounting.
I have worked in Dockside Building Supplies Pty limited since 2013.
My previous company manufactures and distributes an extensive range of specialised performance and quality guaranteed products for the Australian building, construction, home improvement/renovation & landscaping industries.
My job title in this company is an Assistant Accountant. My full tasks is to deal with full function of AR, AP, Bank reconciliation, banking preparation, tax compliance, payroll and assisting with EOM, mail distribution, general office administration, stationery order and so forth.
Through having been involved in accounting field for two years, I have developed advanced skills on MYOB and excel.

4. What do you normally do in your current/last job?
What my daily duties in that companies are to deal with bank reconciliation, process both accountant payable and receivable.
Also, I would weekly process payroll for 30 staffs, prepare EFT payment for creditor’s invoice and report for financial accountant.
Besides, month-end report is an essential part of my tasks.
Furthermore, I would calculate GST quarterly and prepare report.
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