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Rank: 1

发表于 2017-9-12 20:36:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 RichardZ 于 2017-9-12 22:52 编辑

1. Process-How/What
2. Knowledge-How/What
3. 主要目的-测试你的技能对自己工作的熟悉程度和Resume的真实性
4. Tell me a little bit about yourself
5. Tell me who you are and where you come from
6. Walk me through your resume (often backwards)

7.        How do you process the supplierinvoice/coding?-有没有具体操作经验, 能不能分辨Asset,expense 和prepayment
8.        How do you reconcile thesupplier statement? -有没有具体操作经验
9.        How do you correct a supplierinvoice incorrectly entered? –有没有具体操作经验,也想知道公司内部对AP的管理
10.    What do younormally do in your current/last job
11.    Tell me aboutyour typical day (Transactional Job比较常见)
52.     Briefly describe your team and who you are normally liaising within the business

12.    How do you handle credit notefrom supplier? 有没有具体操作经验
13.    How do you prioritise paymentswhen supplier chasing payments? 有没有具体操作经验
14.    What is your company’scollection procedure? 有没有具体操作经验?也想知道公司内部对AR的管理
15.    Why should weoffer you this position?
16.    What are yourstrengths?
17.    Salary package and noticeperiod

18.    How do you handle the situationthat you do not have sufficient or incomplete information from remittance? 有没有具体操作经验?
19.    How do you handle a customer complaintabout an incorrect invoice? -有没有具体操作经验
20.    Give me anexample from a previous job where you've shown initiative.
21.    What is yourbiggest achievement?
22.    What your colleagueswill say about you?

23.    What is your company’sprocedure on billing? 有没有具体操作经验?
24.    How do you adjust an incorrectpayroll payment (can be either overpayment or underpayment)? – 考你如何准确的处理payrolladjustment
25.    What is the mostdifficult situation/person you have faced and how did you handle it?
26.    What part of yourcurrent job you like most/least?
27.   What is your weakness? To what extent do you thinkit will affect your performance?
28.    What you can bring to thisposition

29.    How often do you submit yoursuper payment/PAYG/GST-有没有具体操作经验?知不知道什么时候交Super和PAYG?
30.    How often do you reconcile youbank account and how do you follow up the unreconciled items?
31.    What are your largest balancesheet accounts?
32.    Which one youwill feel more comfortable, in a team or work alone?
33.    Can you work independentlywhen required?
34.    What managementstyle you are most comfortable with?

35.    What is your month endprocedure?
36.    Please write down the journalfor: (以下为举例)
   An AP invoice entry ($1,100phone expense incl. 10% GST)
38.    How do you rateyourself in meeting deadlines?
39.    How do you prioritiseyour job?
40.    Why you are interested in ourcompany

41.    Disposal of an asset (Asset $10,000, Accumulated depreciation 8,000完全scrap掉)
42.    Prepaid expense (一个$11,000incl.GST的Rent Invoice从现在当月开始算起的四个月)
43.    What motivatesyou in your work?
44.    Have you mademistake before and what have you learnt from it?
45.    What is yoursalary expectation?
46.    Why you left current company

47.    Unrecognized revenue and its amortization(11,000 incl.GST的prebill分10个月recognise)
48.    Intercompany transactions(Intercompany cash transfer; Intercompany trading)
1. Company A转$10,000给Company B
2. Company A帮Company B付了一万的广告费(不含GST)
49.    What is your planin next year and/or next 3(5) years?
50.    What new skillsor capabilities have you developed recently?
51.    Describe your company businessand turnover and your duties








Rank: 1

发表于 2017-9-12 21:17:30 | 只看该作者
29.    How often do you submit your super payment/PAYG/GST-有没有具体操作经验?知不知道什么时候交Super和PAYG?
for super usually by quarterly but monthly is acceptable as required by ATO that at least 4 times per year.due date of super is on the 28th for quarterly payment and on 7th for monthly. one

for PAYG is depends on the frequency of the firm, mostly would be the weekly payment

30.    How often do you reconcile you bank account and how do you follow up the unreconciled items?
monthly at the month end.
depends on different situations, several methods would be applied. most frequently used is through payroll, purchase or accounts journal entry.

31.    What are your largest balance sheet accounts?
cheque acc

32. Which one you will feel more comfortable, in a team or work alone?

It depends on the type of work. If the work requires a high level of focus I would be more efficient by working alone, however, if the work is more based on finding a solution, I would be inspired by the team so as to work together to achieve a better result.

33.    Can you work independently when required?

yes, but I would understand my tasks clearly and have an effective communication with my supervisor first before I really start my work.

34.    What management style you are most comfortable with?
I would prefer the manager to be a leader that provides the main direction of our team while gives us certain own space to show our abilities within a certain range.








Rank: 1

发表于 2017-9-12 21:38:25 | 只看该作者
7.        How do you process the supplierinvoice/coding?-有没有具体操作经验, 能不能分辨Asset,expense 和prepayment
1.收到invoice 检查ABN 录入 2.enter purchase invoice

8.        How do you reconcile thesupplier statement? -有没有具体操作经验
1.statement上如果有overdue的,先检查自己之前是否有paid, 避免double pay. 2 没有paid, 拿statement 上的invoice list 和自己的invoice 是否能对的上, 对不上需要和supplier 沟通

9.        How do you correct a supplierinvoice incorrectly entered? –有没有具体操作经验,也想知道公司内部对AP的管理
1.出报表前先检查  2. 和supplier email 询问, 或者电话询问

10.    What do younormally do in your current/last job
I was working in a retail shop in my last job. As a retail manager, I will trainning new staff, checking storage and reminder my boss to order stock.  

11.    Tell me aboutyour typical day (Transactional Job比较常见)

52.     Briefly describe your team and who you are normally liaising within the business
in my last job position, i usually need to contact with our supplier, and solving urgent problems then report to my boss








Rank: 2

发表于 2017-9-12 21:38:34 | 只看该作者
18.    How do you handle the situation that you do not have sufficient or incomplete information from remittance? 有没有具体操作经验?
查信息来源 查invoices

19.    How do you handle a customer complaint about an incorrect invoice? -有没有具体操作经验
Step1: Respond in a timely manner,
Step2: Investigate if it is your company’s fault: check sales register to find out information of the invoice, it is incorrect, then fix it
Overcharge--- issue credit note
Undercharge--- additional notes
Step3: Make follow-up call or email after fixing

20.    Give me an example from a previous job where you've shown initiative
Start by thinking in terms of what you’ve done to save time or money, or increase sales or productivity. You need to convince the interviewer that you are a doer, someone who takes responsibility and gets the ball rolling. A good answer would be: “I was asked to come up with suggestions for increasing sales. Being new with the company, I had to quickly get my feet on the ground and initiate a plan. I discussed my ideas with my supervisor and got the go-ahead to start interviewing customer service reps and sales managers to get a feel for their perspectives. Within 30 days I had a proposal on my supervisor’s desk that resulted in a new method for tracking cancelled accounts, which was the primary reason sales had decreased.”

21.    What is your biggest achievement?
When answering a question about your accomplishments, you don’t want to come across as arrogant, but you do want to share your successes. Take the time to explain your most important accomplishments at work.
Make a connection.
Share Example
Focus on adding value
E.g:  One of my greatest accomplishments at my current job has been leading the installation and implementation of a new software program in the office. As office manager, I quickly learned the software program before it was installed, and then led a seminar to instruct all employees how to use it. Within five days, everyone felt comfortable and confident using it. My employers said this was the smoothest technological transition we have ever had at work. I know I can bring this technological knowledge and leadership ability to your office as well.

22.    What your colleague swill say about you?
I think if my coworkers were to describe me- three words would come to mind: punctual- hard-working and trustworthy. Punctual because in the XXX years I have been working at the company- I have never once showed up late- and you can talk with my boss to confirm that. Hard-working because I never leave the office early until an assignment is finished- even if it is Friday and I am itching to leave. Finally- people would call me trustworthy because my boss entrusted me to help with conducting employee reviews- which involved talking to everyone and hearing several anecdotes. All information that goes through these meetings must be kept confidential- and I am proud to say I have never broken trust with a colleague.

Notice that although you did focus on some general clichés (team player, hard worker, reliable), you associated those clichés with a specific story that highlighted your expertise, giving them context. That context takes them out of the realm of clichés and into something more tangible that the interviewer can understand








Rank: 1

发表于 2017-9-12 22:31:54 | 只看该作者
41.    Disposal of an asset (Asset $10,000, Accumulated depreciation 8,000完全scrap掉)要消除disposal asset 的账面价值,Dr Accumulated depreciation 8000
                                                 Dr Loss on disposal               2000
                                                 Cr Asset cost                        10000

42.    Prepaid expense (一个$11,000incl.GST的Rent Invoice从现在当月开始算起的四个月)

43.    What motivatesyou in your work?
What motivates me is seeing a clear path to advancement at a company in an exciting and growing field.
That’s why I have applied for this position with your company.
Everything I have research about xx公司 shows you are poised for sustained and potentially phenomenal growth.
I want to be a part of that, and I want to know that I made a significant contribution and will be rewarded on the merit of that contribution.

44.    Have you mademistake before and what have you learnt from it?
When I issue the invoice, some prices are based on hours but others are fixed amount. Sometimes we need to manually adjust the number in system
     when they work for fewer hours than before in some special conditions. I forgot to make the adjustment, and then I issue the credit note to our client.
     We need to pay attention to everything even it seldom happens.

45.    What is yoursalary expectation?
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]I am more interested in finding a position that good fit for my skill & interest , would like to know about the future potential of this position , in terms of career growth & benefits the organization provides in terms of personal & professional advancements. Well, I believe that you’re offering competitive salary in marke[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]t.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
46.    Why you left current company?
After working in this company for more than1 year, where I have learned a lot on this profession. It is time for me to move on and enhance my professional growth. I want to improve my overall skills by joining a larger and more progressive organization where I can learn/utilize other skills and experience in several different areas. I am also ready to take more responsibilities.








Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-12 22:34:33 | 只看该作者
12.    How do you handle credit note from supplier? 有没有具体操作经验
        Record the credit note for later applying against a particular invoice or the supplier’s account.

13.    How do you prioritize payments when supplier chasing payments? 有没有具体操作经验

Double Check with AP
Fine out reasons of overdue
For unattended invoices, apply normal AP process
For disputed invoice, hold until issues solved between supplier and Company
Pay electricity, gas Bill or Rent first.

14.    What is your company’scollection procedure? 有没有具体操作经验?也想知道公司内部对AR的管理

15.    Why should we offer you this position?
My skill match with the job duty, I have confidence and experience with this position. I believe I will do it very well.

16.    What are your strengths?

Good Learning ability. strong sense of responsibility.

17.    Salary package and notice period

50K to 6oK








Rank: 2

发表于 2017-9-12 23:15:18 | 只看该作者
23. What is your company’s procedure on billing? 有没有具体操作经验?
AP, for example. When issuing a cheque, first need to check paying bank and supplier. Then check payment amount, which is in consist with the tax invoice. You will also need the authorized signature, director, and financial manager. After the cheque has issued, you have to print two copies of the remittance advice. One copy stapled with invoice and preserved. Then send the other copy to the supplier, together with the cheque.

24. How do you adjust an incorrect payroll payment (can be either overpayment or underpayment)?
First, check if the payment has paid or not. If the payment has not been paid, you can correct it in the statement. If the payment has already been paid, you need to make an adjustment in the same category next time you make the payroll. For example, if a weekly paid payroll has been overpaid, then on next week, you should decrease the amount of payment.

25.    What is the most difficult situation/person you have faced and how did you handle it?
When I worked as AR, I found bank reconsolidation cannot match customer accounts, which was handled by the previous officer. So, I called to the customer and find out they had a financial issue, therefore, they could not pay the bill in time, I reported the issue to the manager and stop sales.

26.    What part of your current job you like most/least?
It is hard to answer, because there’s a lot I like my current job, and I really learned a lot from it. I want to move on because I am eager for new knowledge and new challenges. The most enjoyable part of my current job is that as an AA, I help with account entries and financial statements, it really improves my responsibility and carefulness.

27.   What is your weakness? To what extent do you think it will affect your performance?
I think my weakness is that sometimes I am nervous to speak in front of a group of people, maybe because I am not confident about my oral speaking. It is not a critical issue to my career at this stage, but as an accountant, you have to communicate with people every day, so I am practicing my oral speaking by watching TED’s talk, TV dramas and my tutor also help me with my presentation.

28.    What you can bring to this position.
First of all, my experience working as an AA can help me to adapt to the work as soon as possible. I am also skilled in Word & Excel. Secondly, I studied master of accounting in uni and I think I have a better understanding of accounting. Also, I am able to work under pressure. I am aware that accounting jobs involve time pressure and you are looking for someone who can solve multi tasks and work across different projects at once. I will stay calm and be careful about details until I got the job done.

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