nicoleac 发表于 2014-10-20 10:46:15

Congratulations Justin got his Junior Accountant offer

Justin-Junior ACCOUNTANT

特大好消息: Since Chen got her Finance Manager Job offer(She gave us her job offer already , it will be posted in our classroom soon),

Last week

Sandy (十月份会计全能精英班学员) gotan Accounts payable interview in the ANZ bank corporation ,

Robin (九月份会计全修班学员)   got an assistant accountant interview in a midde size company,today he has an interview for an assistant accountant interview in a large international company

Justin (十月份会计全修班学员) went to Juniour accountant interview last Sunday

Last night , Justin called me and told his great news : He got the juniour accountant job and start to work today , congratulations


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