Peter66 发表于 2018-9-12 12:50:48

Tell me about a time that you disagreed with a rule or approach.
i will follow the rule the company setup.if i stay there for a long time, i will give me some advice for improvement. if they don't wanna change, its fine,i will keep following those rules.

Tell me about a time that you identified a need and went above and beyond the call of duty to get things done.
For me, going “above and beyond the call of duty” is really about going all out to get a job done properly. For example, I once worked on a large team project where I could tell that one of my colleagues was struggling with his tasks. To some extent, my work was dependent on her, and it’s probable that had she delivered late, I may have been forced to as well. I approached her discreetly over lunch and offered to stay late and help her out. She couldn’t thank me enough. We worked through the night and in the end, she was able to deliver on time, and so was I.

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