nicoleac 发表于 2013-12-20 06:51:30



Hi Nicole 我之前在悉尼毕业,现在墨尔本。这边的培训又贵又不完善,参加过一个培训,不便宜完了感觉还什么都没学到,老师就教一些纯忽悠的东西,让我非常反感。面试的时候只会很泛的回答,想不到例子也联想不到实际工作的流程。您是Tracy介绍给我的,看到她不是会计专业都能侃侃而谈,让我非常想跟您学习,我还有一个同样被忽悠的好朋友,也有兴趣学习。但不知道人不在悉尼能不能被安排。我们想明年重新找工作,看您能否帮我们视频授课之类的呢。非常感谢!

nicoleac 发表于 2013-12-24 09:01:28

Elie , I feel very sorry as the bad quality training everywhere and i can canot help all the people . when tracy came to enquire my class, i told her she can do accounting as long as she can studyhard with me together and following all my instruction to do her own homework as I will give different homework to different student according their situation in order to improve quicker, this is why you can see the difference for non accounting background students. The most benefits student got from our class is to understand each skill why works this way and not another way, and how to utilize the skills to apply the real practical work(让学生不但知其然,而且知其所以然 ),definitely not like some accounting training just using data entry to 忽悠学生,因为我们认为不学会计的人都会data entry, 完全不要浪费金钱来学。你真正要学习的是实战技巧,不但知其然,而且知其所以然,如何结合你的所学的会计理论知识来灵活应用于实际会计工作中. 这就是nicole 会计培训班一直坚持的原则。这就是你看到即使不是学会计的学生 -最好的例子就是 你说你的朋友(Tracy介绍给我的,看到她不是会计专业都能侃侃而谈会计实战技巧)这就是培训班的质量make difference for you guys
In your situation, I wouldlike to help as long as you are willing to study hard with me together.Let me know when u need any help

summer 发表于 2014-12-31 15:25:29

谢谢老师。 我也是比较不同的培训班 ,试听之后觉得你们的 培训讲解最详细,能学到很多很多实战知识。
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